How to install flutter in windows | Flutter installation steps
Step No 1: Go to and download file. Step No 2: Once downloaded, extract it in following directory: C:\src\flutter Step No 3: Run the file flutter_console.bat in C:\src\flutter directory after extraction. Step No 4: Execute the following command: flutter --version. This shows you flutt er and dart ver sion that's being installed on your system. But this is local call. Let's make it global. Step No 5: In start, type env. Open "Edit Environment Variables for Your Account". This opens up "Environment Variables" window. Open "PATH" varaible and put the following two locations in it: C:\Windows\System32;C:\src\ flutter\bin; and save. Step No 6: Execute the following command in flutter console: flutter doctor. Now you have a problem that you have no android feature...... Now go to this link for android stdio...